And go another 1,000km, we add up to 2,000km.
Since the last 1,000, the reality is that we don't have many numbers, we've been touring the interior of the state of New York and we've seen a state that lives overshadowed by the city's name when it has so much to give.
1 land border - we passed the first one, we have family and friends who told us that at the border it was business, that it was not worth telling jokes or trying to be friendly. I confess that at 10km I already started to get nervous. I had read some things and even other sites that indicated a time on the border of an average of 1h30. We couldn't take seeds, meat or other products, animal food,... but with our nerves we didn't even throw anything away. We arrived there, passports in hand, Duna arrested to avoid scandals, and certain that they were going to search our entire van.

We went through Montreal, and it was a great decision: we didn't have to queue, we had about 4 cars ahead of us. They saw the passports, Duna's too. They asked us where we were going and if the car was ours, they told us that we would have to stop further on because our passports were going to be stamped. We went, got out of the car, kept the keys to the van. The Dune stayed inside. We wait to be called, 5 minutes. Normal questions: what do we do in Portugal, what were we going to do, because we started in Canada, if we had already been arrested, how long did we think we would stay in the country, with how much money did we travel, and then we confessed to our crime: we had some food in the car, didn't react! Always serious. And we too. They take a picture, they take fingerprints, they ask if we have ESTA, we have to pay $6 each. He doesn't ask for Duna, not even for the rabies vaccine. They give us a piece of paper to pick up the key, we think that's it, now it's when they search the van, they were already doing it to other cars. They give us the key, I ask: can we go? And he answers: yes, of course! 20 minutes had passed.
We left the highway at the first service station and the landscape changed soon... we stopped having Tim Hortons and started having Dunkin Donuts. Gasoline went from $1.12 CAD per liter to $2.40 per gallon. We did the national route. And we slept the first night on the mammoth outside a parking lot! Finally!
All photos with Fujifilm X T-2