After Niagara Falls we returned to Toronto! We wanted to visit my uncles who were in Portugal on vacation and we hadn't seen them around here yet! We went to dinner, and took the opportunity to wash clothes and take a nice shower! Thanks!
We left Toronto, finally left the province of Ottawa and entered Quebec! We drove until 02:00 in the morning. We have a rule that you don't drive at night, but in Canada that doesn't pose any danger. We slept a little at a gas station, drove the rest of the way and arrived in Montreal!

We parked the mammoth and as soon as we had internet, we went straight to researching what to eat here.
Tip: the city has free internet on many streets, which is great for feeding social networks!
To our surprise, Zomato 's #1 restaurant, without filtering by value or anything, is a Portuguese barbecue chicken restaurant! Good sign! But we weren't going to eat Portuguese chicken! We're still not that homesick. Even so, out of curiosity we went to the door and there was a line.... We looked for the second best and it is a restaurant whose specialty is Poutine.
Poutine are french fries served with a kind of roast sauce, called “gravy” and with cheese on top. Then we can add whatever we want, we were hungry so we chose two different ones, one with minced meat, pepperoni and bacon and the other with tomato, marquise and onion. All unsuitable for vegetarians.
Before we left Aurora a dear friend gave us a bottle of wine to celebrate and we decided that the time had come. The wine is from Canada which has created its own wine region and we were not disappointed! The first vineyard in Canada was planted in 1859, few believed in the northernmost regions for the planting of grapes, but the reality is that it is in "British Columbia" that wine has stood out.
But back to the Poutine: it was amazing!, imagine a francesinha all undone on top of fries and no bread, that was it! For those who follow us on instagram, you saw the line of people for dinner at La Banquise !

In the end, we still took a walk around the city and we couldn't have been more in love with the atmosphere that was felt in the streets. Although we are still in Canada, we feel close to Europe!
The morning of the next day was spent planning our adventure in the USA. With this delay in the van, we had to change the route a little and we will stop visiting: Las Vegas, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Maybe in two years (always thinking about the next trip)!
And then we're back in town! Don't miss the next post with what we've been seeing!
all photos taken with Fujifilm X-T2