We have an ocean ahead of us, from our hearts we have ties that tell us to stay.
Let's look for love stories, to inspire people to love more, we are sure the world is full of love. We know this very well because we are surrounded by the best family, the one by blood and the one we chose, our friends. They really are the best.
In this last week the heart was getting tighter and tighter. The goodbyes began to happen and we were nostalgic. The kisses and hugs were followed by moist eyes and tears, often hidden by sunglasses. It's the beginning of a new cycle, they are tears of joy for going, and of sadness because for us everyone went with us.
We decided that each of us would leave our parents' house, like the bride and groom, and that we would meet at the airport. Farewells with friends had already taken place in previous days, the family was reserved for the last. As goodbyes are so painful, and deep down this is all one see you soon, some went on the phone to save tears, but never love. Others went with laughter in the midst of tears, because we know that our hearts are united for life, (isn't it Mel?), and others were with hugs so tight that you could feel the other's heart beating.
I went with Joana, my cousin from the city, a person-sister-friend, who in case I wanted to give up, full of med, I'm sure she came to leave me in Canada. On the trip, I received messages from friends, they wanted to go to the airport but the emotion would be too much and they respected my request to save the party for the return, and with each message another tear. I really am Sofia, the crybaby.
Ivo went with his brother, Duna's godfather, his eyes moistened, which I saw clearly when he said goodbye. A few more calls from friends. And we still had two surprise visits, Ivo's father and my aunt, your help was important in the midst of the final stress.
I took Duna, she was very calm and she was at the airport like the real “lady” she is. The staff was very nice to her, she was very nice to her, she had gone on the plane alone.
We weren't the best of luck with the company we chose. But in this post that doesn't matter, it's a post about love. We promised everyone that we were going to tell you the best and the worst of the trip so we will still come back here.
On the plane, before take-off, there was still time to send a few last messages to hug those left behind.