Today Ivo is birthday, this post is made in secret. Without permission.
Usually I read the post, he chooses the photos, we reread and see the final result. But not today. Ivo hates attention being drawn to him, so he would never let me write this. I find it curious that it's birthday on the same day as the day of the water. We've been here for 3 months and he still hasn't been able to surf. We'll have to take out "the belly of misery".
When we started dating, I was always in a hurry to live, I wanted to do a lot of things and be with him, he would tell me: we have our whole lives to be together. I learned from him this calm, this liking slowly, which is good for you. When I told him about the thousand jobs I had and that I was going to the restaurant and couldn't go to a family lunch or a birthday party, he always understood. Ivo doesn't want to change me and I don't want to change him. It is a young heart but with an old and serene soul.
I fell in love with Ivo from the first day we met and we talked for 8 hours straight! I fell in love when our first gift was a travel book!
I fell in love a bit more the moment we decided to stay with Duna, he took care of her right away and that's how we started calling home when we were three. Duna sees him as the leader, it's laughable when I say Duna, look for Ivo and she goes running to get her favorite toy to take her.
I like how we look for the good in everything, but how there are days when this blog could be called “we hate the world”.
I like our joy each time we enter the sea. I like that this adventure is making us appreciate the little things: a bath, a bed in an air-conditioned room, a dinner cooked by us. I like how we can talk for hours and hours about topics that others would find the most boring thing in the world. And how we adapt and are happy whether in a 5-star hotel in the Douro or in a social neighborhood in Cancun.
I like that he is always trying to surpass himself, that he never tires of learning, of always looking for a better way. And that even so you have the humility to think you know nothing about the world.
Anyone who knows me knows that I have a bump with signs. Ivo is a scale and as such it always weighs both sides well, weighted and fair. I like his loyalty. I like how you need beauty in your life.
And then there are those annoying things that I couldn't live without, like asking every day: how is my hair? Or taking 20 minutes to choose a movie because we have to see all the options. From listening to someone describe a disease and knowing that tomorrow you will have some symptoms. Of not being able to put on a decent face for photographs and forcing myself to spend hours choosing the most acceptable ones, and of course not having any of his own.
Although we have our whole lives to be together, the best part of this trip is being with him every day!